Grand Opening Event | 2018 Kickoff
We’ve finally settled into our new digs and now we’re ready to celebrate! We are so excited to kickoff 2018 with all of you.
In early 2016 we took the leap in moving out of our cramped spaces at the KW Roswell office. We were literally working on top of each other! The Team found a temporary spot with plenty of room to grow (or so we thought). By Fall of 2017 we were, again, busting at the seams. We’ve always had the vision to have our Mega Agent Office in the heart of Roswell. What better place to be in the mix of all the hustle, bustle, and growth than on Canton Street? We’re nestled in a sweet little spot surrounded by a few historical Roswell landmarks, old and new businesses alike, and charming residences.
Grand Opening!
We truly feel at home here and can’t wait to open our doors to all of you to show our gratitude. Our Grand Opening event is for all to enjoy – Past, Present, and Future clients, our dependable vendors and partners, neighboring businesses and community, friends and family – we would not be here today without your support and trust! Did we mention that the the Mayor of Roswell will be there for a special ribbon cutting event, just to make it official? 🙂
As always, we’ll have food, drinks, great conversation, and fun. Tell us you’ll drop by:
NEW Home of The Joanne Curtin Team | 1255 Canton Street, Ste. A & B | Roswell | 30075