Tag Archives : goal setting

Elevate Your New Year’s Resolutions for 2025

‘Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions! Joanne and I began our New Year’s Day by reflecting on the past year and setting intentions for 2025. I wanted to share some strategies and questions to make your goal-setting process more meaningful. Before diving into the details, let’s explore a few methods to ensure your resolutions truly stick.

Proven Strategies for Goal-Setting Success
Did you know that writing your goals down can increase your chances of achieving them by 40% to 50%? There’s something powerful about putting pen to paper—it engages your subconscious mind and helps clarify what you genuinely want. Typing on your phone or computer just isn’t the same! Once you’ve written your goals, share them with someone who can hold you accountable. Talking about your plans with a trusted friend or partner makes it much more likely you’ll follow through, especially if they check in on your progress.
Now that you’re ready to write down your goals and share them, there’s an important first step to take: reflection. It’s a step many of us skip, but it’s essential for setting intentions that truly matter.

A Crucial First Step: Reflect on the Past
Before you start setting goals, take some time to reflect on 2024. This step not only helps you identify areas for growth but also allows you to build on the successes and lessons of the past year. Joanne and I started our reflection with these two simple but impactful questions:

1. What brought you joy in 2024? Take a positive approach by recalling the moments and people that made you happy. Looking through the photos on your phone can help jog your memory and remind you of what you’d like to continue or expand in 2025.
2. What were your biggest challenges in 2024, and what did you learn from them? Reflecting on difficulties can reveal your resilience and highlight valuable lessons. Recognizing your growth can inspire you to set ambitious but achievable goals for the year ahead.

A Look Further Back: Your Biggest Memory of 2023
Here’s a fun challenge: try to recall your most significant memory from 2023. It’s surprising how quickly memories fade! Reflecting on this can help you focus on what truly matters for 2025. Before you start scrolling through old photos, take a moment to see what comes to mind naturally—it’s a great way to gauge what made the biggest impact on you.

Clarifying Your Vision for 2025
Once you’ve reflected on the past, it’s time to look ahead. Start by asking yourself a few key questions:
* What problems do you most want to solve? Identify small, actionable habits to address these problems. For example, if you want to stop snacking late at night, consider setting an alarm as a reminder or replacing the habit with something positive, like reading a book upstairs away from the kitchen.
* What discipline do you need support with?
* Which relationships need your focus in 2025?
Finally, take a moment to imagine your perfect day in 2025. Create two versions: one for a weekday and one for a weekend. Be realistic—your perfect day should reflect your current responsibilities and lifestyle. For instance, if driving your daughter to school is part of your routine, include that in your weekday scenario. Add as much detail as possible, from the time you wake up to when you go to bed.

Turning Reflection into Action
After answering these questions, you’ll have a clearer picture of what you want to achieve. Writing out your goals in specific categories can be helpful—think financial, business, personal, relationships, spiritual, and health. But remember, goals don’t have to be long lists of bullet points. Lately, Joanne and I have focused on setting goals that bring us joy and bring us closer to living our perfect day more often.
As a couple, supporting each other’s aspirations has deepened our connection. Helping Joanne achieve her goals brings me happiness, and together, we prioritize who we’re becoming, not just what we’re accomplishing.

Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet
The start of a new year is a chance to reflect, dream, and take action. Whether you’re tackling big goals or small habits, I hope these strategies help you approach 2025 with clarity and purpose. Here’s to a year filled with growth, joy, and meaningful progress!

Elevate Your New Year’s Resolutions for 2025