Movie Day Recap and Alive in Roswell Preview
Our movie party was fantastic, but we might be even more excited for our upcoming Alive in Roswell event. Here’s what you need to know.
We have had an awesome summer so far, but it’s not over yet. Our movie party was amazing, as was the footage captured by our summer intern Nicole, which you can see starting at 0:45 in the video above. Thank you so much to everyone that came.
Now I want to talk about our next event, Alive in Roswell. It’s going to be on July 18 and is only one of two Alive in Roswell events we’ll have this year.
There will be barbecue foods, Brewster’s ice cream, and cornhole. We’ll be having a lot of fun, so come hang out with us.
We’ll be just north of Canton St.
We’ll have a nice, quiet spot set up just north of Canton St. before it turns into Crabapple. Drop by for dinner and dessert and bring the whole family! Find out more details and let us know if you’re stopping by here!
If you have any questions for me in the meantime about the event or about real estate in general, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.