We’re Donating to the Tiny Houses Non-Profit!
We asked you where our donations should go, and after speaking with our board of directors, we’ve ultimately decided to go with the Tiny Houses non-profit! They’re dedicated to preventing sexual exploitation of women in the Atlanta area.
After graduating from the Wellspring program, women can come here to continue the process and gain independence. Many companies and individuals have helped this non-profit organization.
After graduating from the Wellspring program, women can come here to continue the process and gain independence.
We presented a check for $2,000, and over the next 30 days, we will match up to $1,000 in donations. This money will help to pay for all sorts of finishing touches.
To donate to Curtin Team Cares, click here.
Thank you for all your suggestions and for making this possible. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Tiny Houses, feel free to reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.